Important Forms

Be sure to complete all applicable medical forms. Submit all forms through the “Forms & Documents section” of your CampBrain account or email them to

Aviation Camp Waiver (1/2)

A completed Aviation Waiver is required for ALL campers enrolled in Aviation: The Sky’s The Limit. This form must be signed for your camper to participate in the flight portion of Aviation Camp.

Aviation Camp Waiver (2/2)

A completed Aviation Flight Day Waiver is ALSO required for ALL campers enrolled in Aviation: The Sky’s The Limit. This form must be signed in addition to the Aviation Waiver for your camper to participate in the flight portion of Aviation Camp.

Wilderness and Adventure Waiver

A completed Wilderness and Adventure: River and Trail Waiver is required for ALL campers enrolled in Wilderness and Adventure. This form must be signed for your camper to participate in the canoeing field trip with River and Trail.

Medication Authorization Form

The Medication Authorization Form must be completed fully in order for youth camp operators and staff members to administer the required medication or for the camper to self-carry emergency medication (only with doctor approval). A new form must be completed at the beginning of each camp season, and each time there is a change in dosage or time of administration of a medication. All medications must be provided by the parent.

Allergy Action Plan

The Allergy Action Plan outlines information including allergen(s), symptoms, treatment instructions, and emergency contact information in an easy-to-follow format in case of an allergic reaction. The Allergy Action Plan must be signed by a physician and the Medical Authorization form must be signed by a physician and a parent.

Asthma Action Plan

The Asthma Action Plan outlines information including who should administer asthma medications, treatment instructions, and emergency contact information in an easy-to-follow format. The Asthma Action Plan form and Medical Authorization form must be signed by a physician and a parent.

Seizure Action Plan

The Seizure Action Plan contains the essential information staff may need to know in order to help a camper who has seizures. It includes detailed information on first aid, parent and health care provider contacts, and medications specifically for that child. The Seizure Action Plan and Medical Authorization form must be signed by a physician and a parent.

Maryland Department of Health Immunization Certificate

All campers who reside outside of the United States must complete this Immunization Form in order to attend camp.

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