AGES: 9-13
WEEKS: July 14
TIME: 8:45 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.
FEE: $570
Donuts have always been an American favorite—after all, we have FIVE National Donut Days! But the growing popularity of gourmet donuts has raised the bar for us at Tiny Chefs and we have created a whole session dedicated to the deliciousness of Donuts! We are pretty sure that flavors such as Mexican Hot Chocolate Donuts, Apple Cider Donuts, and Lemon Blueberry Glazed Donuts will ensure that your Tiny Chef will enjoy the “hole” session! Add a variety of flavored glazes to choose from, and it may just end up being their favorite experience, bar none!
Disclaimer: Tiny Chefs reviews products for allergy warnings indicated on the label. Tiny Chefs is not held liable for allergens not listed on product packaging, environmental factors, or cross-contamination. Based on our discretion, Tiny Chefs can accommodate some mild allergies. Examples of ingredients used in our camps are dairy, egg, wheat/gluten, soy, coconut, and sesame. We cannot guarantee a completely allergen-free environment.
PROVIDER: Tiny Chefs